Well here it is a new year. I am excited about this new year! I have a new studio to work in and a workshop space also in the makings. I will do my "soft" creating in the studio and the "tool type" creating in the workshop. I hope all of you have in some way started something new as well. Whether it be a new piece of art, a goal, resolution, I wish you great success in this new year. Everyday is a new day to start over and start again to reach our goals. I believe we were created to be successful in our talents and desires. Faith plays a big, big role in how we face our challenges and the changes in life. I choose to be the best I can be this year.
I want to say a big hello to my friends and Followers. I know I have been slack in adding to my blog, but the past three months have been a challenge for time, emotion, and energy for me. I had to deal with several issues, but I'M BACK! I hope you will enjoy the new pictures I have added. These are things that make me happy, creative, and amused. Some of these things I will have with me forever and some of these things will be incorporated into workshops.
I want to tell you about a great artist venue that is coming up in March. It is the Funky Finds Spring Fling. It is March 13, from 9am-3pm. It will be held in the small exhibits building (poultry) at the Will Rogers Memorial Center, located at 3409 Burnett-Tandy Dr., Ft. Worth, Texas, 76107. It will be filled to capacity with artists and creations of every kind. There will be raffles, music, and the Humane Society will be there for pet adoptions. Eight pets were adopted last year. I will be vending there as well. If you were interested in vending, there is a wait list. YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS IT! Tell everyone you know and come make a day of it. Last year I bought some wonderful homemade soap, a cute headband, a felted bird's nest, and lots of assemblage pieces. Now that's a variety. You can click on the little Funky Finds dog icon to the left on my blog page to check the Spring Fling out and everything else that Funky Finds has to offer, including online shops, advertising, and giveaways. As an artist, I just cannot say enough about them. Funky Finds website lists art venues and goings-on all over the U.S.
I wanted to let you know that all of the pictures I have posted tonight (Sat. 16th, 2010) are current pictures that I took today, but I did not update the date option on my camera, so looks like they were taken back in 08. WRONG! All pictures are new and current.
Let me hear from you and I wish you happy trails.