I have given the name, The Altered Muse, to my business and my art workings. It is the best way for me to describe what I do with what aMUSEs me. I am inspired by the innocence and romance in poetry and images of the late 1800's. I like the illustrations of early children's books and old poetry books. I collect early 1900's autograph books if they have an illustrated cover. Some of them have original drawings along with their chum sentiments. I put my inspirational matter with old findings and create altered art. I have a studio and workshop that reflect what inspires me.
I teach Basic Soldering, Wet Felting, Encaustic Wax Overlay, and some Found Objects Jewelry.
The lovely feline creature pictured is Lily. She was born a bobtail and is very verbal.
All in all I have a good life and get to do the work I am interested in. I am blessed by God everyday and have learned to thank Him in all things.
Future Workshops will be coming in 2018. They will include Simple Solder and Wet Nuno Felting and hidden collage. Prices range from $60 and are all inclusive. You will complete 2 items on Soldering and 1 scarf/wrap in Felting. You won't be disappointed. Includes food and beverage. Questions answered at mapdeens@sbcglobal.net.
My Blog List
Casket Hardware/Crosses
Vintage Talc Tin Collection
So Many Goodies So Little Time...Get It? I found two metal cases full of watch bezels and a wooden box full of vials of small watch parts. Ummm.
Found this very small tabletop 4-drawer filing cabinet
You've Got My Heart in Your Hand
My Business Card Holder
All Original Green Paint
In the Studio
Someone is Looking At You
In The Studio
I love pink bracelets!
Six and one-half yards of 1900's boullion trim
More Old Vials
Acquired from an estate I liquidated
Acquired on a summer trip to Galveston
Color My World
I love colorful, old talc tins, cloth flowers, hot pink pin cushions and let's add an old cloth hand.
What A Girl Needs
We don't need much!
Take Heart - Take Time to Dance - One Slipper Makes a Difference