I took a few pictures of the store, Dolly Python, in Dallas, Texas. I am so happy to be a part of such an eclectic mix. Did I mention that John Paul Gaultier made a visit last month? Owner, Gretchen Bell, has a background in fashion and the store has a big reputation for vintage clothing. Dolly Python is not a really large store. There is plenty of room for vintage clothes and then an area for individual shops/booths. Very personal, clean, organized, and pleasant place to shop. Here is there award list.
2011Dallas Observer Best of Dallas “Best Vintage Clothes”
2011 D Magazine’s Reader’s Choice “Best Vintage Clothing Store.”
2010 D Magazine’s Reader’s Choice “Best Vintage Clothing Store.”
2010 Top 5 Best Vintage/Resale WFA-A LIST
2008 Dallas Observer. “Best Vintage Clothing Store.”
2007 Dallas Observer. “Best Source for Pack Rats!”
2006 D Magazine ‘Best Reason to Buy Old Stuff”
2006 Dallas Observer. “Best Treasure Trove.”