Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Greetings

Greetings... on this beautiful Sunday evening.  The day could not have been more beautiful.  I spent several hours in my backyard place of serenity.  I pruned a little, listened to the birds alot, spotted new little yellow butterflies, and soaked up the sun.  One of the most special things I enjoy in my serenity garden is, on Sunday, a little church across several acres from me, plays inspiring hymns on their bells.  They play "Count Your Blessings" almost every time.  How could I not count all my blessings sitting in the soft sun in my beautiful backyard listening to sweet music echoing thru the blue sky.  It don't get any better my darlings.

My heart goes out to the families that have lost loved ones and their homes due to the tornadoes north and east of Texas.  May God give them strength to face the days ahead. 

I was planning on taking some new items over to Dolly Python Vintage today to add to my space, but just couldn't seem to leave the house.  It just seemed the perfect day to chill and enjoy the day here.  I will be going on Tuesday.  It is such a fun store to have my offerings in. 

Take care and warm wishes of blue sky and sunshine.

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