THE FUNKY FINDS "EXPERIENCE" WAS A BLAST! I could not wait to get to the Amon Carter, Jr. Center in Ft. Worth, Texas (my most fab city to live in), to see if my favorite artists were going to show again. Yes, they were there! The Experience venue was laid out beautifully. Each artist had a very special display space. All could be seen very well. The music was fun and funky. I loved it! Made shopping even more fun. The benefits were going strong. The mood was funky and fun. Joe and Jessica Dougherty really know how to throw an extravaganza. Thanks Joe and Jessica for a fun shopping Experience.
I am featuring just a very few of the artists displaying there. Some are repeat artist friends and some are new to me. There were so many artists and this is just a very small portion. I hope you enjoy these and visit their websites and blogs for better detail of their works.
Marla Cook is the artist of Uncommon Vessels, celebrating the synchronicity of life through art. She creates through gourds and other objects found in nature. I took two pictures of her art so that you could get a real closeup. Visit her at

Sandra Feasel is the artist/designer at 7th St. Studio. Her creations are devine. I am sorry my camera did not portray her works at their best. Visit her at

Sarah Zamora is a mixed media artist. Her works are very original and expressive. (Sorry for the camera reflections). She was painting as I was talking to her. This is only a small sample of her technique. I hope you will go to her site at: and get inspired by her individuality.
Sher Chappell "ESSA" is the artisit I want to introduce to you here. I am so glad she decided to show at the Extravaganza. She is an amazing person and artist, creating fascinating and inspirational icons. I have included three pictures so you could get a good look. The pictures don't do her icons justice, but they are made of many medias including old metals, paper images, rosaries and vintage prayer cards. I bought my first piece, from her about 3 years ago at the Warrenton, Texas Antique Show. I have it displayed proudly in my studio. I also have several small pieces she made. How surprised I was to see her in Ft. Worth. Please read more about her and her unique studio at:

Here is a picture of me and Mary of Mary's Madness. She is so talented she has to have 3 etsy shops and 5 blogs to show it all. Check out her "What's in Your Drawers" (asking artists to show what interesting items they have in their supply drawers.) I have bought many items from her including watch and clock parts, vintage images, and German frozen charlotte dolls. She is alot of fun and really is wacky mad about art.

Luna Azul Studio is home to the artist Karen Rester. She works with acrylics, collage, mixed media and weaving. She was showing some of her handwoven Gypsy Scarves. She uses many colorful yarns to weave and create her scarves. She has really, really, long scarves that will just wrap and wrap. Very unique style. Visit her at

Katy Toohil

Katie Toohil of Two Hills Designs is a fiber artist demonstrating her spinning and also displaying her hand dyed clothing and handspun yarn. She also dyes and decorates dreadlocks. Her dreadlocks can't be seen, but they were outstanding.
Natalia Veronica is the artist/owner of NV ArteWear. Her very unique style of painting translates wonderfully to wearable art. You should visit her website for a wonderful browse of her pieces. My pictures don't do it justice.
Joyce Hazlerig is the artist of Gypsyharte, Fantasy Fiber Creations. Featured here is her nuno felting. She is not just a nuno felter, she felts wonderful cuffs, necklaces, little woodland animals and many things of a whimsy and fantasy nature. I was very glad to see her return to the Funky Finds event for the fall. Visit her blog.
If you click on my "Workshop" , you can see examples of the nuno felting workshop that I held earlier this year. It was very fun and I plan to have more soon.
Joe Art is the master of metal creations. I was very glad to see him again at the Experience! I have four of his pieces in my studio and he is going to create several large pieces for my personal serenity garden. I can't wait. I would say above all, that Joe is my favorite artists to shop with. I love his tri-colored hair and his free spirit is very catching. Please check out his work at: