Take a look at this sweet little German Child's Paint Set. I gauge it to be from the 1930's. I love the illustration on the outside of the wooden box kit. I don't know who the illustrator was, but I thought it very typical of 1930's French illustrations. I was so happy and delighted when I found this! This little artist's kit measures 9"x13". I believe this child was so thrilled to get this little kit.
These are some of the old tube paints and crayons that were in the kit itself. The tube paints were labeled in four languages. This kit had many sheets of drawings that the child had sketched and painted, including one that was a picture of his/her house labeled "Our House -the finest".

This is the top tray of the paint kit with all of the brushes, oil paints, water colors, crayons, and instructions book. This tray lifts out and the sketches were kept underneath.
Another Little Orphan
Here is a sweet kangaroo I picked up at a recent estate sale. As you can see, he is fabricated of felt. He was well loved and cherished, you can tell, by the way they took the time to patch his neck, foot, and several patches on his tail. I don't know why, but I am attracted to, and must take in all little orphans of his type and give them a home in my studio. I have other pictures on the blog of my sweet little orphans. He is about 14" tall.