This is Harry, the Magician's Dog. His owner Daniel. Daniel is a vendor at the Rose of Texas Show in downtown Warrenton, Texas and also an accomplished magician. He used to perform on cruise ships and Vegas. Keeps us entertained to say the least.

Not sure that this little guy liked all the attention. He is going the other way.

This sweet little thing wanted to be a part of the Junk Gypsy Junk O Rama Prom. Very unique attire on her owner. Sorta like prom meets Mother Turquoise. That's what I like about the prom, do your own thing. More pictures of the prom to come. It will have its own post. You don't want to miss it.

This little girl wanted to be at the prom with her mom.

This is Deersa. Doesn't his owner look like Warren Beatty? Deersa has a friend called Zazi, a Japanese Chin that was a rescue dog. I will post Zazi's picture in a couple of days. Zazi and Deersa are both from Austin, Texas. So many dogs to post, so little time.

This is a picture of Jack. Friendly little fellow.

Can you see this sweet little thing hidden in the lace? His name is Max and he is from Waco, Texas.

Another look at Jack. He is from Long Island, N.Y. Thanks Jack for paying us a visit here in Texas. He loves his mom and pop!

Hello Savannah or as her loved ones call her "Savy". She is a precious rescue from Austin, Texas. Kudos to her loving owners. Rescue... the best to you!

Hello Gabriel. What a beautiful German Shepard from College, Station, Texas. Look at the love in those eyes. I am telling you folks...pets are one of the most precious things we have been blessed with.

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